May 16, 2012

Operation Smile

Operation Smile: Spread the Smiles! Like Operation Smile on FB to see how you can help kids smile. #OperationSmiley360 *Please remember the FTC requires you to mention that you received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 when sharing.

March 27, 2012

Shooting of Trayvon Martin

I just can't believe they let this stupid guy go. I think more than 50% don't care because he's black. Which is so racist and ridiculous! He shot a kid, he had his life ahead of him, and now his future is ruined. What kind of message does this send to the teens? "Don't worry you can kill any one just saying your defending your self. Like seriously? I think the law needs to be changed, and the guy who made it is dumber than average High schoolers. 
Might I add that this Zimmerman guy followed him? He stalked him, this law is only applicable if your in real danger. Like for instance some guy broke into your house, you don't know what he's doing there, so you take a gun and shoot him. And if he dies, and he didn't have a weapon on him it's okay. Because you  didn't know, he could have had a weapon. But Trayvon didn't even come up to him or anything. He had a bag of skittles for Pete's sake. What's he gonna do throw the skittles at him? "Oh It's self defense! and he's black so lets kill him!" The police didn't even do anything. They were like "Oh it was self defense okay, and he's black. Oh that explains it." This is so dumb! We should hang that guy.

March 15, 2012

Lovely Life

I'm in Seventh Grade, finally! This year may not turn exactly like I hoped but it'll be awesome! No doubt! Hehe.. Anyway, this week is Spring Break. But truthfully its so boring! I have nothing to do, my homework is finished. Okay maybe not finished, but I rather do something FUN. I love reading books but it's Spring Break, it's time to get out and enjoy the sun. Especially in Florida. Going to the beach would be a great idea, not that my parents would CARE. I don't think grown ups know the meaning of fun anymore. Except in movies of course..

So anyway nothing to do in spring break for me. While other girls (with cool parents) are hanging out in beaches or malls or wherever the heck they are. Anyway I'm a advise giver so ask anything and I'll post it with a nickname or something... So feel free to send anything to me:) Lol I'm so WEIRD.

June 10, 2011

Summer at LAST!

It's finally summer. You think I'm going to go to: the pool,mall,friend's house,etc. But it doesn't always end like you wanted it to. You might go to the mall, but not as often as you wanted. You might go to the pool but your friend couldn't make it. And of course you might go to your friend's house.....BUT you might not have as much as fun as you wanted to. This summer may not go EXACTLY as you planned....but it will surely be a BLAST!!  I'm just pointing this out to YOU! So if this is so completely useless and silly...well, at least you laughed! And if you didn't, that's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back. :D